In the last few weeks, movies have been getting the lion’s share of entertainment attention – the Golden Globes, the SAG awards, and of course the Oscar nominations. But here at BookishBoys, let’s not forget the recent announcement of some big awards for children’s literature too. Read more…The 2017 Oscar Awards of Children’s Books (Part I)
So many books, so little time! What I hope to capture here - through my posts and your comments - are the true gems. Not always gems in terms of content to be sure - but in terms of their ability to captivate, and to get more kids of all ages to turn to books as a reliable source of entertainment and eventually, enrichment. Join the conversation!
“Any book that helps a child to form a habit of reading, to make reading one of his deep and continuing needs, is good for him.” Maya Angelou
Book bonanza!
Here are the books my boys got for Christmas, from us, family members, and Santa (yes, still! With the biggest winks and nods yet!). And yes, they did get gifts other than books as well 🙂 Read more…Book bonanza!
Book review: Ricky Ricotta’s Mighty Robot
Title: Ricky Ricotta’s Mighty Robot
Author: Dav Pilkey
Illustrator: Dan Santat
Format: Book series (9 books)
Age group: 5+
Poor Squeakyville! This town and its mousey inhabitants seem perpetually on the hit-list of some mad scientist or colony-craving alien. Luckily for Squeakyville, one of its littlest residents – boy-mouse Ricky Ricotta – has teamed up with his best buddy, The Mighty Robot, to hold chaos at bay. From facing down school bullies, to combatting all manner of mutants from around the planetary system, Ricky and his Robot embark on 9, action-packed adventures. Read more…Book review: Ricky Ricotta’s Mighty Robot
You’re covered: 20+ book ideas for boys this holiday season
Wow, December already! List-making time if ever there was one. So, what’s on your bookish gift-list this holiday season? I’d love to know. And so would other readers, as we all scramble to get organized for the holidays.
As for the lists I am making, here’s one from me to you: 20+ gift ideas for the boys in your lives. From tried-and-true classics to unusual finds, BookishBoys has you covered. Read more…You’re covered: 20+ book ideas for boys this holiday season
The magic begins when you open a book…
This is perhaps most truly said of pop-up books, where the very act of turning a page mobilizes the mechanisms that get the book’s key characters and details leaping out at you, seemingly magically. With their hidden engineering and their vivid, 3-D imagery, pop-ups can entrance the most book-detesting kiddo. Especially because the latest pop-up book creators are taking their art and science to a whole new level. Read more…The magic begins when you open a book…
Some cool creativity-catalysts
Wandering among the bookstands at Hubbub Boston earlier this year, my son picked up two books at the Usborne booth and begged me to buy them: Write Your Own Adventure Stories, and Write and Draw your own Comics. I parted with my cash somewhat grumpily (let’s just say it wasn’t the first purchase of the morning), but once we got home and took a closer look at these books together, I was super impressed. Read more…Some cool creativity-catalysts
Out of the desert and into wonderland, thanks to Brian Selznick
Reading dry spells: Periods where nothing in the library entices, and the assigned books from school seem just another chore. Every reader has had those, and my boys have succumbed to them at various times. During one particularly arid spell, I was thrilled to discover Brian Selznick’s work on our public library shelves. These proved to be our ride out of the desert and back into wonderland. Read more…Out of the desert and into wonderland, thanks to Brian Selznick
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