As you may recall, I published a post some months ago about how my boys refused to read Harry Potter. My older son started reading the series when he was way too young, and abandoned it when it started to freak him out. My younger son took his brother’s lead and refused to pick them up.
Hope sprung anew when I discovered the unabridged, illustrated series. My younger son got a peek at Jim Kay’s gorgeous illustrations, relented and was hooked. But I was curious to see whether he would transition to the non-illustrated originals when he came to Book 4, since only the first 3 are available as illustrated books currently, with Book 4 slated for release in 2019. Well, I am here to give you an update on my experiment.
Experiment Report: Success!
My younger son devoured the illustrated series. When he came to the end of Book 3 (Prisoner of Azkaban), he realized he would have to wait much too long before finding out what happened next. I’m now in charge of putting each successive book on hold at the library. He is loving every minute of the Potterhead experience. I’ve told him we’ll watch the movies together as soon as he is done.
I’ll keep buying the illustrated versions as they come out over the next few years. It will be a spectacular addition to our home library, and perhaps to my son’s own library some day.

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